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Radio Interview
Rivera Sun is interviewed about the process of writing and performing over thirty characters in three plays.
Rivera starts a little over half into this link and goes to end.
"Write On!"
Writing Workshop with Rivera Sun Cook
Rhythm, poetry, prose, monologues, dialogues, description. . .tap into the inner muse, find a message, voice, characters, learn to play in this writing world. Intended to empower, develop, and strengthen your writing voice. Beginners and Experts alike are welcome.
Bring writing device (paper, pen, laptop, typewriter if preferred).
3 Hours
"Solo Performance & Wordless Storytelling"
-Solo Performance for Every One-
Stretching the performer in you into an unlimited storyteller. Acting experience not necessary, enthusiasm required. Learn the techniques of physical theater, tricks of pantomime, juiciness of character dances, tactics of dynamic character switches, vocal "toggling", building an imagined world, and playing with invisible friends, all in a safe, every-experience-level.